compassion, collaboration, transparency, urgency
Waraich family members first immigrated from South Asia and settled in Chicago with hopes of providing a better life and opportunity for their children. Their early years were filled with hard work and sacrifice, yet they remained grounded in their faith-based values and set an example of giving generously to those in need in their home countries—even while struggling to make ends meet themselves. Today, Waraich family members still gather around the kitchen table to discuss how to make a real difference in the world through giving of their time and resources. These shared values serve as the foundation for their work to build an America where Muslims can thrive and live as equal members of society. Believing that the underlying causes of social and economic problems cannot be addressed alone, the family not only invests—but also collaborates—with a wide network of Muslim-led and interfaith initiatives. The Fund’s goal is to empower people and institutions to be self-sufficient, build stronger communities, and be a force of good in the Chicago region and beyond. This is done through convenings, support of Muslim leaders and philanthropy, and direct investments to diverse sectors.
Dilnaz Waraich, President